Habits & Addiction
“Typically an addiction begins as a habit - a behavioural pattern that is not particularly damaging. Over time it can become more powerful and advanced, eventually interfering with a person’s quality of life.”
Human beings are creatures of habit. From an early age we learn certain behaviors that meet our needs and then we repeat those behaviors whenever the need arises. This repetition develops habits.
The subconscious mind, where habits form and reside, likes and accepts the ‘known’ and naturally fears the ‘unknown’, so habits are maintained because they are familiar ways of behaving.
Typical examples of an unwanted habits are thumb sucking, nail biting, swearing, smoking or grinding teeth. These habits can cause embarrassment and can also cause ill-health or physical complications long term.
An addiction usually starts as a habit but overtime becomes an obsessive uncontrollable and often harmful attachment to a substance, behaviour or activity. A behaviour you are no longer able to function properly without, even if it causes physical, financial or social heartache.
As with habits, addictions vary greatly, typical examples include gambling, prescription or recreational drugs, alcohol, sex, pornography, food, exercising, shopping, self harm and many more.
It is advisable to seek medical advice before withdrawing from any chemical or substance addiction.
Hypnotherapy can help…
Hypnotherapy can help you boost feelings of confidence and self-worth while reducing those overwhelming feelings of worry and fear. It can help you develop an ability to access a calm, tranquil state of mind which can allow a different, imagined, perspective on unwanted behaviours. So what normally seems impossible—quitting a substance or behavior that is central to your existence—can start to seem achievable and even desirable. We now know that the brain is constantly changing and its neuroplasticity can allow hypnosis to create new more positive neural connections. Contact The Heath Practice Hypnotherapy Cardiff below for more details.