
Around one in four adults in Wales is obese, and almost 60% are overweight
— welsh health survey 2015

Just like the colour of our eyes, our height or shoe size, people come in all different sizes. An ideal weight or body shape isn’t necessarily determined by a number on a scale, a calculated Body Mass Index or clothes sizes but rather on a personal feeling.

Many people spend long periods of life battling with weight gain or loss using all manner of diets and slimming aids. Luckily some people do eventually find their ideal combination of diet and exercise that helps them maintain their healthy ideal body weight. However many people become trapped in the negative cycle of dieting, over eating and feeling guilty for years without ever really achieving that inner ideal weight or feeling.

With an abundance of sugar and salt laden tasty foods to tempt us coupled with a high social focus on appearance, it is unsurprising more and more of us develop an unhealthy relationship with food. 

Hypnotherapy can help…

Hypnotherapy is fast becoming a more recognised method for effectively overcoming weight issues. It breaks negative cycle of dieting, over eating, feeling guilty and eating again. It removes the need to count calories, to cut out food groups or abide by the rules of the “free” or “sin” culture. Instead we focus on increasing feelings of confidence, self worth and control using a combination of positive discussion, relaxation and visualisation to change how you feel about food and more importantly how you feel about yourself. Contact The Heath Practice Hypnotherapy Cardiff below for more details.