I am the founder of The Heath Practice Hypnotherapy and Hypnobirthing in Cardiff. I set up the business after experiencing the profound benefits of Hypnotherapy for myself around sixteen years ago. Before that time I had never heard of Hypnotherapy and had no idea that such a relaxed, enjoyable therapy with such long term positive benefits even existed. I had wrongly presumed that all types of therapy consisted of full on, serious deep conversations about childhood and trauma etc.
To be completely honest, before that time I wasn’t really aware that the life I was living was less than positive. I smoked, I worked long hours, spent my weekends doing what I considered to be relaxing, (having a lie in, seeing friends, drinking, and generally doing as little as possible.) I guessed I had some anxiety, worries, stress and even fears but I presumed they were just part of life, just ‘part’ of who I was and so I just put up with them.
But I needn’t have…
Life changed for me when I decided I would like to start a family. A life event like that can offer a tremendous opportunity to look objectively at life. I realised the smoking, drinking, party lifestyle was no longer for me (deep down I had probably known this for some time but had ignored it). I also began to notice a growing worry and unease about the world around me and specifically about becoming pregnant and the process of giving birth.
Luckily a good friend of mine recommended Hypnotherapy. I openly admit that I was sceptical and hesitant at first, but she explained it wasn’t at all ‘new age’ but rather it was a logical, positive, science based therapy that provided information about how the mind works together with talking therapy and relaxation. Traditional counselling didn’t appeal and I knew I needed some guidance, so I took the plunge and booked a course. I have never looked back.
The approach not only lowered my anxiety, it raised my confidence and feelings of self-worth and allowed me to start living an easier, more positive life. I even got over my fear of flying! I could not believe how much better I felt after such a short time. I loved it so much that after becoming pregnant I followed up with a Hypnobirthing course and after having my son I retrained in Solution Focused Hypnotherapy, left my career within secondary education and set up my very own Hypnotherapy and Hypnobirthing business here in Cardiff.
Life is seldom straight forward, and we are all likely to experience ups, downs and difficult periods, it is how we deal with these life events that matter. Over the last sixteen years I have continued to use the tools that I gained from from my training. They keep me feeling positive and productive so that I can be the most effective therapist I can be for my clients. The tools of Hypnotherapy have also helped me cope with loss and grief, they have eased me through some difficult times so that I can continue to find enjoyment from life. They provide me with space, the ability to calm my mind, to feel in control and conent.
There is nothing special about me so if I can do it, you can do it too.